Able Strategy
At Abbeyfield School, we are passionate about ensuring that all students are aspirational and achieve their potential or beyond.
To support our most able students we have a cross curriculum programme to ensure that students are pushed to fulfil their potential and receive support to access the top universities or apprenticeship programmes post 18.
Our ‘Able Students’ are identified as those with an overall likely GCSE grade average of 7.2 or higher.
Some key elements of our Able strategy include;
All lessons including sufficient challenge. Teachers will be able to identify their Able students and ensure these students are challenged in their learning. This may often include wider curriculum reading.
Abbeyfield also runs our own in house ‘Brilliant Programme’ which provides additional stretch and challenge to support students to be aspirational in post-16 and post-18 pathways, and develops students skills required to be successful with these applications. The programme runs throughout the year as both KS3 and KS4 cohorts with termly meetings to focus on both skills and pathways.
As part of the 6th form volunteering programme, 6th form students support in subject classrooms in the lower school working with our most Able students to stretch and inspire for Post 16.
Each subject area provides at least an enrichment opportunity per year in the form of a workshop, visit or independent study challenge task.
There are termly awards to recognise the achievements of our Most Able students.
Abbeyfield also bi-annually, takes part in the Brilliant Scholars Programme, run out of Oxford University. This is aimed at helping students to develop dissertation type research skills which will help at university and beyond.
If you would like any more information about our whole school Able programme, please contact Miss Jones in the first instance: sxj@abbeyfield.wilts.sch.uk