Admissions Year 7-11
Thank you for considering Abbeyfield as a possibility for your child. At Abbeyfield our belief in exceptional Teaching and Learning has led to outstanding outcomes and phenomenal progress for students and we would welcome the opportunity to show you our caring and nurturing school which has the highest of expectations for all. Students at Abbeyfield are incredibly successful. We want to share our aspirations to build great futures for all we have the privilege to teach.
Abbeyfield has accepted Wiltshire Council’s Determined Coordinated Admissions Scheme for Secondary Schools within Wiltshire. The school shares the urban designated area of Chippenham and is also on the Calne Area board. For entry into Year 7, parents must complete Wiltshire Council’s secondary school admissions form, in hard copy or electronically, by noon on 31st October. On this form parents are invited to state up to three ranked preferences and, as far as possible, applicants will be offered a place at a school for which they have expressed a preference. Abbeyfield School’s admission limit for entry into Year 7 is 180 students. Admission into Year 7 is co-ordinated by Transition Manager, Sarah Jones. 
Please contact Michelle Henderson our Pastoral leader for Year 7 on email: mlh@abbeyfield.wilts.sch.uk or by phone on: 01249 464500 to arrange a tour of the school. 
In the event of over subscription Wiltshire Council will apply its over subscription criteria in the order set out below: 
Children in care 
Vulnerable children 
Shared designated area multiple births 
Shared designated area siblings 
Other designated area children 
Other multiple births 
Other siblings 
Other children 
If the school is oversubscribed in any of the above categories, the straight-line distance from the child’s home address to the school will be used as the determining factor. 
Students with an Education, Health and Care Plan are required to be admitted to the school named on their statement. Please discuss this with the SENCO at your child’s primary school or contact the SEND service at Wiltshire Council. 
Please contact Wiltshire Council’s Admissions Team at:
County Hall,
Bythesea Road,
BA14 8JN
01225 713000
For more information on how to apply online, please click on the following link:
Transition into Year 7
We have a wide range of documents available for you to download that can support the application process to our school:
In year School Transfers - Years 7 -11
If who wish to apply for your child to transfer to Abbeyfield School other than in the September of Year 7, you should in the first instance approach Wiltshire Council to obtain an admissions form. Please click on the link below:
If you require any further information, or would like to have a tour of the school before making your application, please email admissions@abbeyfield.wilts.sch.uk
Admission Policy