Attendance at school
At Abbeyfield School, we envisage a future for our young people where they can fulfil their dreams and realise their full potential. Regular attendance at school is the most significant element to help this to be achieved.
We have a clear expectation that students should attend school 100% of the time. However, we are more than aware that this is not always possible, for a variety of reasons and circumstances. We stay true to our school tagline ‘Big enough to make a difference, yet small enough to know each child’ by ensuring that support and intervention to improve attendance is supportive, individualised and child centred.
School attendance is the ultimately the responsibility of the Parent/Carer but at Abbeyfield School, Attendance is everyone’s responsibility.
Taking your child out of school during term time may harm their academic progress.
Department for Education regulations state that schools may only authorise absence in exceptional circumstances. These include:
• family emergency
• funeral of a close family member (please state relationship to you)
• wedding of a close family member (please state relationship to you)
Holidays will not count as a reason to authorise absence in term time.
Retrospective applications will not be considered.
Circumstances that are notified to the school or Local Authority after the Headteacher has made a decision will not be considered. Therefore, please be certain to provide details of the exceptional circumstances relating to your application and attach any supporting evidence.
Where a pupil’s unauthorised absence amounts to 10 sessions or more within a 6-month period, the Education Welfare Service will be notified and the Local Authority may issue a Penalty Notice to each parent for each child. Please read the Local Authority leaflet, which explains Penalty Notices issued for unauthorised holidays during term time.