British Values

The Department for Education requires schools “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.”
At Abbeyfield School, we are committed to promoting fundamental British values through a wide range of explicit and implicit educational activities and the delivery of, and demonstration of these values. British values are promoted through our PSHE and Character Education Programme which permeates through the schools’ assemblies, curriculum, ethos, student voice, teaching and learning and our commitment to inclusion.
Our approach to promoting fundamental British values follows equal opportunities guidance which enables us to educate our students to understand that there should be no discrimination against any individual or group, regardless of faith, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, political or financial status, or similar.
Promoting fundamental ‘British values’
At Abbeyfield School, we use a range of strategies within the curriculum and beyond to secure the promotion of these fundamental British values. Our core values of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience demonstrate our commitment to promoting fundamental British values and are visible throughout the school environment and are promoted in everything we do.
There is also an expectation that all teachers use and develop opportunities for the effective promotion of a student’s character education and personal development in lessons. The examples that follow show some of the many ways Abbeyfield School seeks to embed British values:
All students have an opportunity to develop and demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of democracy through:
An active Student Council that adheres to democratic principles
Various opportunities to participate in roles of responsibility and Leadership within the school
A curriculum that develops pupil understanding of British Life and preparation for modern British Life
Extra-curricular activities that promote democratic processes.
The selection of Local Authority Youth Parliament representatives, Student Council, House and Tutor representatives, Peer Mentors, Sports Ambassadors and Senior Students.
The Rule of Law
All students have an opportunity to develop and demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the rule of law through:
The school’s Attitudes to Learning policy, including a clear code of conduct and expectations of all our students.
A comprehensive system of rewards, recognition and sanctions.
A PSHE curriculum which focuses on the rule of Law and respect for all.
Values-based school assemblies led by all members of school staff and external visitors.
Restorative approaches to conflict.
Effective links with Wiltshire Police, our local PSCOs and other authorities.
Individual Liberty
All students have an opportunity to develop and demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of individual liberty through:
The school’s Attitudes for Learning policy, including a clear code of conduct and expectations of all pupils.
An outstanding system of pastoral care, guidance and support.
Participation in a wide variety of school and local community charitable events and opportunities for volunteering.
Students have key roles and responsibilities in school, such as Eco-leaders, Peer Mentors, House Representatives and Sports Ambassadors.
All students are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in safe and supportive environment.
Our PSHE/Learning to Learn curriculum educates and provides boundaries for students to make choices safely, including those relating to e-safety and extremism.
Through our extra-curricular clubs and opportunities, students are given the freedom to make choices.
Mutual respect
All students have opportunities to develop and demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of mutual respect through:
The school’s Attitudes to Learning policy, including a clear code of conduct and expectations of all students.
An outstanding system of pastoral care, guidance and support.
A teaching and learning environment based on mutual respect.
A comprehensive system of rewards, recognition and sanctions.
A curriculum where all pupils have an opportunity to express their views in a safe environment where the thoughts and answers of all are respected.
Our PSHEE/Learning to Learn curriculum, including Sex and Relationship Education.
Character-based school assemblies and a weekly tutor time character education and current affairs session.
Our Peer Mentors, House Representatives, and Sports Ambassadors promote mutual respect between students throughout the school community.
Tolerance of different beliefs, cultures and faiths
All students have an opportunity to develop and demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the tolerance of different beliefs, cultures and faiths through:
Spiritual development through a comprehensive PSHE & Religion and World Views curriculum and character-based assemblies.
Students are actively encouraged to share their faith and beliefs within the school and celebrate a variety of religious festivities throughout the year
The Religion and World Views curriculum, which is compulsory for all students, provides a broad and balanced education on a range of faiths, religions and cultures
An experience of a wide variety of cultures through curriculum themed assemblies
Sports and House competitions that helps to instil ‘fair play’ and promote a ‘team spirit’
Links with other local and national bodies, including other schools and community partners