Careers, information and guidance at Abbeyfield School
At Abbeyfield school we are passionate about supporting our students when it comes to careers. From the moment students join us we provide them with a wealth of knowledge regarding the various pathways they can follow. We believe that preparing our students for the challenges of the working world is just as important as ensuring they are making positive progress in lessons. All our students will have multiple opportunities to meet with education providers, employers, visit work places and learn about both careers and educational pathways available to them. Our goal here is to ensure students can make an informed decision about their future education and employability options.
Throughout their tenure here at Abbeyfield school, all students will have the opportunity to meet a level 6 trained impartial careers advisor as well as access support from trained colleagues in school. Our careers programme is delivered through our PSHE curriculum but also integrated through the wider curriculum be it, assemblies, collapsed days, the learning to learn curriculum or through various visits and work experience opportunities. We ensure that we follow the guidance from the Gatsby benchmarks and work closely with the enterprise coordinator at Wiltshire council to ensure we continue to deliver the very best for our students. We are always reflective, evaluative and mindful that the world is ever changing so regularly review our careers provision through the Compass review system. The latest initiative being the collapsed careers day in Term 6 which has allowed Year 8 students to experience a day at work.
In addition to the above, our team of exceptional staff here at Abbeyfield ensure that Careers is interleaved into their subject curriculums, ensuring that where it is possible to link careers and the wider world of employment to the content in the lesson then this occurs. Finally, we are also proud to share that as a centre of financial excellence we ensure that we deliver finance related careers guidance in tutor time and throughout our lessons, examples of this include budgeting, affordability, payslips and job profiles.
Finally, we encourage our students to enquire, learn new things and absorb information. The dedicated sections of our website for each stakeholder support the learning of careers and showcase why it is such an important pillar of a wider, well rounded education.
Please click below to view our Careers provision at Abbeyfield School.
This information will be reviewed every academic year. July 2023 is the date of our next review.
To contact us regarding anything CIAG orientated please email Mr J Stewart on jrs@abbeyfield.wilts.sch.uk (lead Careers co-ordinator) or phone on 01249 464500.
Provider Access Statement
Careers Programme 2023/34
Further careers information for our stakeholders:
The CDI’s Careers Development Framework
Underpinning our programmes of study and strategy is the framework that ties the learning journey together:
What does all the terminology around careers actually mean?
Apprenticeship – An apprenticeship is where you gain recognised qualifications whilst working and earning a wage
Commercial enterprise – A business that engages in buying and selling products to make a profit
Economically active – People who are either in employment plus those who are unemployed
In employment – People who were in some form of paid work (whether as an employee or self-employed); those on government-supported training and employment programmes; and those doing unpaid family work
Further education college – Further Education (FE) colleges generally offer both vocational and specialist qualifications
Higher education institution – An organisation that provides higher level education, typically including degrees
Hospitality – A diverse range of careers offered by organisations including hotels, restaurants, bars, theme parks and fast food outlets
Part-time employed – A part-time worker is someone who works fewer hours than a full-time worker. There is no specific number of hours that makes someone full or part-time, but a full-time worker will usually work 35 hours or more a week
Public sector – State-owned institutions, including nationalised industries and services provided by Local Authorities
Replacement demand – Replacement demand are job openings created by people leaving the labour force either temporarily or permanently
Russell Group – The Russell Group is a self-selected association of twenty-four leading research universities
Self employed – Working for yourself or being the owner of a business instead of having an employer
Sixth Form – The term Sixth Form describes the school years numbered 12 and 13, where students typically study A levels
Training – A person is considered to be in training if they are on a government supported training programme or job related training
Unemployed – Refers to people without a job but are able to start one
Do we run Work Experience?
We run work experience in Year 10 and 12. This has served as a great opportunity for students to experience the world of work. There are a number of great reasons why the experience is so useful:
1. To meet new people.
2. To find out more about industry and commerce.
3. To experience travelling to work.
4. To exercise more self-discipline and responsibility.
5. To improve your self-confidence.
6. To improve your social skills.
7. To learn the importance of punctuality.
8. Many many more…….
If you are interested in taking work experience this year, please ask your tutor for a form and return it to Mr Stewart by May 31st. You can also download one here:
Useful Links for careers support and guidance
Apprenticeships and Training
Gatsby Benchmarking

Good career guidance is critical if young people are to raise their aspirations and capitalise on the opportunities available to them. In 2013 Gatsby commissioned Sir John Holman to research what pragmatic actions could improve career guidance in England and subsequently he developed the Good Career Guidance Benchmarks.
The eight Gatsby benchmarks of Good Career Guidance:
A stable careers programme
Learning from career and labour market information
Addressing the needs of each pupil
Linking curriculum learning to careers
Encounters with employers and employees
Experiences of workplaces
Encounters with further and higher education
Personal guidance
For more information about the Gatsby benchmarks that we use in forming a baseline for our CIAG here at Abbeyfield please click here.
Labour Market information
It’s important to know information about the labour market in your local area. Click on a link below.
Labour market information – Wiltshire
Current Vacancies – Wiltshire
Clink below to see the latest Vacancies in Wiltshire