Extended Project Qualification

At Abbeyfield we are keen to ensure that we are able to support outgoing Year 11 students with continuing to carry out purposeful learning that will support them moving into their next steps at KS5.
Therefore, we have decided to offer all Year 11 students, the opportunity to start the Extended Project Qualification now. The EPQ is normally one of the additional qualifications that Year 12 students can undertake alongside their 3 A Level choices.
The main purpose of the EPQ project is to provide students with the essential life skills they need to support them through their A levels and beyond. Employers and Universities are particularly interested in the EPQ but our main intent is to provide students with the opportunity to be creative and learn independence, problem solving, project management and self-confidence.
The EPQ is a research project and students will be developing their research skills so they are able to become more critical of the information they are presented with and learn how to manage their free time. The EPQ is worth half an A level, so can be used to earn extra UCAS points.
The Extended Project is an excellent choice for students wishing to demonstrate their ability to work independently and it is also an opportunity to demonstrate your interest in and commitment to a particular career area, e.g. Medicine, Performing Arts, etc.
If your child is interested in undertaking the EPQ, please contact Ms Young in the first instance zey@abbeyfield.wilts.sch.uk