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What are interest rates?Interest is the cost of borrowing money typically expressed as an annual percentage of the loan. For savers, it is effectively the rate that your Bank or Building Society will pay you for investing with them. But… What is a Bank Rate? ‘Bank Rate’ is the single most important interest rate in the UK. We decide this interest rate and explain the reasons behind our decision. In the news, this is referred to as ‘Bank of England Base Rate’ or ‘Interest Rate’. We use the Bank Rate in our dealings with other financial institutions. This influences lots of other interest rates in the economy. This includes the various lending and savings rates offered by high street banks and building societies. Still not sure? Have a look at this:
What is budgeting?Budgeting is the process of creating a plan to spend your money. This spending plan is called a budget. Creating this spending plan allows you to determine in advance whether you will have enough money to do the things you need to do or would like to do. Have a go yourself: Budgeting is really important in today’s world. Being able to budget will help you to avoid getting into debt, how to save money and also accumulate wealth. Here is one you can download from Martin Lewis (Money saving expert):
Who can I go to for financial advice and support?Throughout your life you’re likely to need different financial products. A financial adviser can help you make the right decision about the best product for you. This website will help support you in choosing the right financial advisor: This is a great website that will support you in getting the most out of a financial advisor and how they can support you.
What are my consumer rights?Whenever you buy something, be it a product or a service, on the high street or online, you have rights. Knowing your rights can help if what you have paid for does not meet your expectations or is faulty. This website details the various consumer rights you have:
What options are available for borrowing money?The first thing to ask yourself, is do you actually need to borrow money? This question is essential when working out how much you need to borrow, how much you can afford to repay and what you need the loan for? This is an excellent website that will talk you through the different stages of borrowing money and what your options are:
Whats the best way to save money?There are many ways to save money, but these depend on your personal circumstances, such as your job, lifestyle, responsibilities, credit history, dependencies’ and many other factors. Sometimes the best thing to do is to consider all of the options and decide which one better suits your personal circumstances:
How do I compare financial products?Websites that allow you to compare multiple products have become extremely popular in recent years. Try having a go at ‘Go Compare’ to see what you think. Be prepared though, as they can take up quite a bit of time. All of these website’s will require quite a lot of information on your personal circumstances before showing you the best products to consider.
How can I avoid identity theft and fraud?Identity theft happens when a person steals your personal information to use it for illegal activities. This mostly happens electronically, however it also happens through methods as simple as stealing sensitive mail out of your mailbox (bank statements etc..), or someone breaking into your home. There are many things that you can do to prevent identity theft and fraud: Protect Your Passwords- Use a different password for each online account. Keep them protected using an online password manager. The most secure passwords contain at least 8 characters and a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols. Use Cash- Debit and credit card information is always being stolen. I prefer to use cash for most of my transactions. Cash is king! Never Give Information to Unsolicited Callers- Although there are some legitimate businesses that sell over the phone, many aren’t. Keep Your Smartphone Protected- Use an antivirus app. Also use a password lock and a data deleting app that you can access from a computer if your phone is stolen. Only download apps from a trusted app store. Secure Your WiFi at Home- Use secure encryption on your home network so that it can’t be easily hacked. Don’t Click the Links- If an email is suspicious, don’t click any links. If you do click a link, run a full scan with your antivirus software ASAP. Keep Your Operating System Up to Date- Keep your Operating System and web browser up to date. Enabling automatic updates in your settings achieves this very well without having to constantly do it yourself. Use a Firewall and Antivirus Software- You can also set these up for automatic scans to consistently keep your computer clean from viruses and other problems. Check Your Bank Accounts Frequently- The more often you check your accounts, the more likely you are to spot suspicious activity. Only Buy From Online Retailers You Trust- There are tons of scam sites out there offering incredibly low prices on desirable items. If the price sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Never Use a Public Network When Accessing Sensitive Information- Wait to get onto a secure network before checking your bank account or accessing other private information. Use an Identity Protection Service- Services such as Life Lock and Identity Guard can provide constant monitoring and keep you protected if your identity is compromised. Reference:
What is insurance? Is it important?Insurance safeguards against things going wrong, breaking down, accidents and health issues. You have to pay a premium fee but you can be covered for thousands and thousands of pounds should the worst happen. There are different types of insurance. These are the most common: Home insurance Car insurance Travel insurance Life insurance, critical illness, income protection and payment protection Private medical and dental insurance Pet insurance If you click any of the above they will take you to the Money Advice Service website which is an excellent source of guidance and information and can talk you through what it covers and whether you need it or not.
What is a payslip and deductions?A payslip can be quite confusing at first glance. There are multiple numbers on there and your final pay may be a little less than you were expecting! It’s really important that you understand how much you are being paid and how / what deductions you have had before your final pay figure is calculated. Here is a labelled example to take a look at. Please remember that each company has slightly different payslips and layouts, that being said, a lot of the headings etc will be the same, just in a different place. This video will show you what deductions you may incur and what they mean:
Abbeyfield Community HIVEOur school community based Hub, led by the students for the students. Returning to the ‘new normal’ following lockdown was not without its own challenges. Our students experienced a varied sense of disconnection not only from friends and family but also from school and learning and their communities. They had navigated their way through lockdown, often feeling isolated from the world around them but also disorientated by the ever changing health and government guidance. As a school we felt their voices needed to validated and given a platform to direct us as to the support THEY felt was necessary to move forward. We listened carefully and the HIVE Hub was created by the students, with the support of our Head Teacher Mr Norgrove, providing a valued space and a financial budget for the students to manage independently. The HIVE is of course Bee themed to reflect the efforts of a working community, working together for the benefit of a whole and never leaving anyone to fend for themselves. Our HIVE worker Bees volunteer their social times to support and guide other students throughout the challenges of teenage years with the aim of paying it forward and encouraging others to be part of that community. The Hub also houses our Peer Mentors and serves as a central meeting point. Pop along during Tutor, Break or Lunch to speak to one of our HIVE workers to see what we can offer. From the smallest of worries to the biggest problems, we can help to get you the right support either from the HIVE or from Pastoral Support. No question is silly, we are here to help. “The Hive provides a vital support network in school for all students. The Hive is a safe space for students, with a place for everyone. The Hive has the ability to promote a voice within students and allow us to encourage positive mental attitudes amongst one another” – Harry & Ellie (Y12 Hive Volunteers & Peer Mentors)
Peer MentoringAt Abbeyfield the mental wellbeing of our students is crucial and we recognise that students need support at different levels now more than ever. This year a group of Key stage 4 and 5 students have taken part in a Peer Mentoring Training Programme (Kidscape) and are now working with younger students to support them with a range of issues that they may want to talk about like; friendships; worrying about doing well; homework; feeling isolated; worrying about how they look; confidence. The peer mentors will work with younger students for 6-8 sessions. If more serious issues are shared, the peer mentors are trained to refer mentees on to more appropriate support. Interested in Peer Mentor Training or accessing a Peer Mentor? Mrs Wildman - Y10 & 11 Pastoral Lead
Rememberall TreeIn the toughest of times, kindness gives us strength. For some of our students, days of celebration and anniversaries can be challenging, particularly Mother’s/Father’s Day, birthdays and school holidays. With this in mind the Rememberall Tree serves as a reminder of friends and family who have passed. A space created to remember and a place to sit and reflect. Students and staff are invited to write messages or favourite memories on coloured leaves to place on the tree. The tree will continue to grow from our collective thoughts and memories yet remain a constant within our school community. The leaves are available from the HIVE for you to take away and decorate in your own time and to then place on the tree when you are ready.
LGBTQIA+ HubAbbeyfield LGBTQIA+ HUB At Abbeyfield we run LGBTQIA+ support and information sessions every other week on a Thursday break time. This was facilitated due to the growing number of LGBTQIA+ students wanting to have the opportunity to meet and support each other in the school community. This is a meaningful space where students can get together and just be themselves, have discussions and organise events to promote within school. It is place to make friends, celebrate diversity, learn from each other, and discuss topical issues in a safe and welcoming environment. It can also help students to develop confidence and leadership skills as members can raise awareness of issues that are important to them and advocate for equality in their environments. Any students are welcome and we have a number of upper school LGBTQIA+ ambassadors who support the group and help to raise awareness and coordinate activities. For further information please speak to Miss Walby
Abbeyfield School Wild GardenAt Abbeyfield we have been creating a sensory space in the grounds which can be used as a tranquil area for students and staff to enjoy the outdoors. In spring 2022 we started to build an area where we could plant flowers, vegetables and a water garden. We wanted to have somewhere for students where they could have some quiet time but also find a spot where we could be inspired to do our art work, photography and written work. Various students, across the year groups, have visited the garden and sowed seeds, planted out flowers and vegetables, weeded and watered and cultivated an ever growing garden. The long hot summer saw us enjoy the fruits of our labours as we picked strawberries, fresh peas, tomatoes, peppers, gherkins and herbs. We are being as eco-friendly as possible by recycling any green waste in a compost bin and we have bought a Wormery to recycle some of our food waste at Abbeyfield using the resulting compost on the garden. After school clubs are now getting involved and with everyone’s help the area will grow and grow. Students involved have remarked on how much they have enjoyed the opportunity to be in the outdoors and several have gone away thinking about careers in agriculture and market gardening. SEN students have enjoyed the outdoor space and have welcomed the chance for reflection time when they are finding the school day difficult. We will continue to grow the garden and expand across the curriculum involving many more students and we are, at the present time, further planning for the expansion of the garden and looking forward to what we can grow next. Mrs Guttridge & Mrs Davies – Learning Support
Sports AmbassadorsYouth Sports Trust – Abbeyfield School is spearheading the Sports Ambassador Programme in Wiltshire. The school is now LEAD school in Wiltshire for leading, coaching and volunteering. It is the only school in Wiltshire with the title! The school will be working with Youth Sport Trust, promoting leadership to other schools in Wiltshire. Abbeyfield School will take a partnership approach with local schools and organisations to develop inclusive pathways for young people to progress as leaders, coaches, volunteers and officials. (LCV). These roles offer exciting opportunities and the chance to be part of Abbeyfield School PE community, and Sixth Form leadership team. Responsibilities including running badminton sessions and lunch time basketball sessions, supporting our Sports Community by running and organising primary school events, and even launching community events for the wider community from Preschool upwards. The Sports Ambassadors are seen as the face of our Sports Community and will attend Sixth Form meetings. This role will give you the chance to plan and run events yourself, this is great for the local community and building your skill set. To help support this every person on the programme will undergo safeguarding and first aid training, you receive qualifications that will help you with life after school. The great thing about the leadership role is you don’t have to be SPORTY to be a Sports Ambassador. Instead, you need to demonstrate an ability to lead others, alongside the desire and commitment to make a difference. Abbeyfield School Sports Ambassadors work with Youth Sport Trust, WE ARE THE ONLY SCHOOL IN WILTSHIRE THAT CAN OFFER THIS! Our Sports Ambassador programme is open to all students who wish to be part of a leadership team and which has been recognised by Youth Sports Trust as outstanding. Making Abbeyfield School the Leadership, Coaching and Volunteering School (LCV) lead school for Wiltshire (the only school) working with Youth Sport Trust on all things Leadership. The Sports Ambassador programme offers exciting leadership opportunities, we offer the chance to be part of Abbeyfield School PE community and work with 18 local primary schools. You will not only gain confidence and experience in all leadership aspects, but also be part of a team. With this role, you will have the responsibility to help at break time badminton session, run basketball sessions during lunchtime and support our Sports Community by supporting primary school events. The Sports Ambassadors are seen as the face of our Sports Community and will attend Sixth Form meetings. This role will give you the chance to plan and run events yourself, this is great for the local community and building your skill set. You don’t have to be SPORTY to be a Sports Ambassador, you need to have a desire to support others and want to be part of something bigger. This will gain you important leadership skills!! For further information please call in to see Mrs Pierce in the Sports Leadership Office or email her
Student CouncilThe Student Council is a key part of Abbeyfield School. It involves passionate students from across the school representing their peers by meeting to discuss opinions and new ideas for the school. Being part of the Student Council allows you to have a meaningful voice to drive change and implement new and diverse ideas. As a team, we meet twice a term which allows us to know every individual as well as make effective decisions for the benefit of our school experience. To apply for the Student Council, please email with one reason why you think you would be a suitable candidate.
Youth Sports Trust – Active in MindAbbeyfield School Active in Mind Programme Active in Mind is an Athlete Mentor and student-led intervention, designed around the importance of looking after the body, mindset and environment to improve mental health and wellbeing issues present schools. Description The project will include a minimum of 15 young people (Nurture group) who will take part in a ‘6 week’ intervention, planned and delivered by 5 Young Mental Health Champions. Schools involved in the programme will be required to have a lead member of staff to give pastoral support to all students involved and support the young mental health champions with their delivery over 6 weeks. Outcomes of the programme include increased student awareness of mental health issues, improved physical activity levels and a developed skillset to improving coping strategies associated with mental health. What is ‘Active in Mind’: Active in Mind is a project run by Youth Sports Trust that trains a group of young people to be mental health mentors who are then able to support and work with a particular nurture group. (The nurture group may comprise of students who struggle at school academically, physically or mentally.) The project focuses on mental health and how this can be improved for the students through physical activity as well as having that safe and supportive group to help their well-being and creating an environment where they feel comfortable to talk and share thoughts and feelings amongst each other when needed. What the mentors do and what the nurture group do: The mentors work with the nurture group over a number of weeks to support with and improve the nurture groups mental health and overall awareness around health and well-being. The mentors plan+implement physical activity to help support and develop the mental health and well-being of the nurture group students. The mentors decide on a code of conduct that they will implement for the group. They will also gain feedback from the nurture group on the types of activities that they may find beneficial to participate in throughout the programme. The nurture group will meet up with the mentors every week over a set number of weeks where they will take part in a form of physical activity as well as having support to complete activities around health, exercise, hydration and aspects of their overall physical and mental health. They will have the opportunity to talk to their mentors and other nurture group members if they would like during the sessions. This is why it is important to create a close environment within the group. Why is this format useful: Having the mentor group allows the nurture group to have those students to look up to and look+go to for support when needed. It allows an environment to be created where both groups can benefit and allows both the nurture and mentor group to learn and develop a range of skills. What makes YST different in its approach: Youth Sports Trust puts an enthesis on not only the benefit for the nurture group but also for the mentors and what they can learn and take away from the experience. They guide both groups through the programme which offers a clear structure and pathway for both groups but in particular, helps the mentors in their planning of their sessions etc. They don’t just focus on mental health but the impact of other factors such as, exercise, nutrition, hydration and sleep on their overall physical and mental health. The organisation comes back to the school/institution and helps with any needs of the mentors and checks in on how it is going for both groups which shows that they are willing to help and ensure there are continuous benefits for all involved in their programme. What did you get from being a mentor: Satisfaction to know that I have helped some young people It was good to know that I was helping young people learn about health and knowing that they now understand more about a healthy lifestyle. Developed my leadership skills and confidence levels I’m happy to know that I’ve contributed to the nurture groups knowledge and understanding about their mental and physical health. Learning about the project and more about your mental health was interesting to me and made me more aware of ways to help your mental and physical health. It was good to know that I’ve helped young people learn about the importance of their physical and mental health and just the small ways they can help themselves daily. (For example, the factors discussed on the mind map like hydration, sleep and exercise) It is good to know that I taught at least 1 thing to some of the nurture students. For example, that some now know about the number of hours of sleep they should be getting, how much water they should be drinking a day and how they can just add that bit more exercise into their daily lives like walking to school. Did the athlete mentor inspire you: The athlete mentor overall inspired me. I believe in motivation, drive, enthusiasm and determination and the athlete mentor demonstrated these in his journey and proved their importance in wanting to succeed. It shows that you could just continue at the level you are but, if you are determined and motivated you can achieve more. He proves that with these factors, things are possible. For me, I struggle with some things but sport is what I love and love doing and I believe if you have enough drive and motivation, it can have great benefits. If you do something you love, take and pursue it. I don’t think you need anything special to achieve what you want in life as long as you have the motivation and passion then you can achieve what you want. I think the athlete mentor achieved some of those factors throughout his journey. If you would like to know more contact Jessica Pierce Lead Youth Sport Trust Check out Active in Mind – Youth Sport Trust to read more
Zen RoomThe Learning Resources Centre features a Zen Room that students can utilise during social time as a sensory-reduced space, allowing them to completely disengage from their busy school environment and reset for learning. The Zen Room i s equipped with exercise balls, chairs, beanbags, and a soft carpet for seating, as well as fiddle/fidget toys to help distress those in the room. Developed by Megan Urmston and her mom as part of Megan's winning project for the UK Pupil Library Assistant Award in 2023, the Zen Room was officially opened by Mr. Norgrove, Megan, and children's author Joffre White on October 3, 2023.
ClubsThe LRC runs a number of club’s afterschool to support students with their wellbeing. Warhammer/Dungeons and Dragons Club: Warhammer is more than a game; it's a hobby that offers something for every young person. Whether they enjoy assembling stunning collections, building intricate models, or expressing their creativity through painting, it's all here. Countless worlds and realms await conquest in tactical gameplay or discovery in the chapters of gripping novels. Our school is also a member of the Warhammer Alliance Education programme, which helps students understand the game, make friends, develop problem-solving skills, and work as a team. Dungeons and Dragons students have the opportunity to create their own characters and develop the worlds/creatures they will face in their team quests and campaigns. Students who participate in Dungeons and Dragons can benefit from the following: Improved social skills with peers Increased self-esteem and self-confidence Ability to express themselves and their needs assertively Improved impulse control and practice with turn-taking Stronger creative thinking and problem-solving skills The Warhammer/Dungeons and Dragons Club runs every Monday and Friday afterschool in the LRC from 3:10 pm to 4:15 pm. For more information, please contact Mr. Evans (School Librarian) by email: Reading Groups At Abbeyfield School, we nurture a culture of Reading for Pleasure, encouraging our students to explore books that pique their interests and advocating for a diverse range of reading materials. Thanks to this initiative, several student reading groups operate in the school, overseen by our school librarian, Mr. Evans, and members of the English Team. This allows passionate readers among our students to engage in discussions about the books they've read with their peers. In addition, we actively participate in reading the shortlisted books for various school book awards each year, covering different year groups: Yoto Carnegie Medal for Illustrations Yoto Carnegie Medal for Writing Scholastic Laugh Out Loud Book Awards School Library Association Information Book Awards For more information about the reading groups at Abbeyfield School, please contact Mr. Evans, the School Librarian, by email: Podcast Club This year, Abbeyfield School has initiated a new podcast club in the Learning Resources Centre (LRC). The podcast club aims to empower students to create a community podcast focusing on the following areas: Regular book recommendations and reviews. Live chat from the school’s reading groups. Author talks. Interviews with staff on various topics. Roving reporters covering school events such as Sports Day and school productions. Visiting guests providing insights into career options. Enhanced curriculum content and exam support. Regular updates on the House Championship. Highlighting themed weeks, e.g., Mental Health Awareness week. Hobbies and interests. Celebrating achievements. The podcast club students plan to release a new podcast episode every term, with the first episode scheduled for an early 2024 release. The podcast club meets every Wednesday afternoon from 3:10 pm to 4:15 pm in the LRC. For more information about the podcast club, please contact Mr. Evans, the School Librarian, via email:
Reading Well Book Collection and Issues OnlineOur school's Reading Well book collection comprises non-fiction and fiction books aimed at helping students understand and manage their health and well-being through insightful reads. The collection covers various topics, including: ADHD Family Issues Anxiety, Worry, and Panic Stress Confidence and Self-Esteem Healthy Eating Autism and Asperger Syndrome Body Image and Eating Disorders Bullying E-Safety and Cyberbullying Depression OCD Self-Harm Drugs Sex, Gender, and Puberty Alcohol Mood Swings Mental Health Wellbeing Grief Exams Planning To explore our Reading Well fiction and non-fiction reading lists, click on the following links: Fiction: link Non-Fiction: link Additionally, our school provides access to an online mental health and well-being eBook information service called Issues Online. Students and parents/guardians can find more information about Issues Online using the following link: link.
Learning Resources Centre Leaders ProgrammeAt Abbeyfield School we have brilliant Learning Resources Centre Leaders Programme. Where students in Year 7 to 11 can help out in the Learning Resources Centre (LRC) during their social time in supporting Mr Evans (School Librarian) and the users of the LRC with following tasks: Shelving and Tidying Books Issuing, Renewing and Return user books in the LRC Stock Work Finding book reservation. Reserving books for users. Showing uses how to the LRC online resources. Running event and clubs in the LRC. Helping out with displays. All students that join the LRC Leaders programme go through an online and hands on training programme to develop their skill to become affective volunteers in the LRC. LRC Leaders start off as Assistant LRC Leaders, before progression onto being Deputy LRC Leader where they support the younger volunteers with their training. Leading up to the role of a Senior LRC Leader where these students will be responsible in looking after and supporting their own individual team. Every year one of our LRC Leaders is nominated for the School Library Association and CILIP School Libraries Group UK Pupil Library Assistant of the Year Award. Our school has had great success with this award with three past students being nominated as finalist for this award. Two of our finalists were successful in becoming the winner for this award in 2020 and 2023. If you like more information about the Learning Resources Centre Leaders Programme please contact Mr Evans (School Librarian) by email:

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