Girls Football Partnership
Girls Football Schools Partnership
Abbeyfield School is proud to be Barclays Mid-Wiltshire Girls Football Partnership School, 1 of only 150 Girls Football Hubs across the Country. Being a Girls Football Hub gives our schools the opportunity to access new and exciting initiatives that will support the Football Association and the Youth Sport Trust’s vision to give every girls equal access to football in schools by 2024.
By 2024 we aim to have:
· 75% of schools providing football in the curriculum for girls
· 90% of schools providing football participation opportunities for girls
There are lots of training and resources that schools can access.
Girls Football in schools website www.girlsfootballinschools.org
This website has been designed as a one-stop-shop for all schools to access, support, practical resources and useful information to develop girls football provision in your school
The FA Shooting Stars programme inspired by Disney:
This programme is made up of two initiatives; Active Play Through Story Telling and Girls’ Football Clubs, both have been developed to support the engagement of girls aged 5-11 years old. There are some fantastic resources available to support you in delivering these sessions including story books, flipbooks and videos, as well as ‘take home’ adventure passports so children can share their experiences with parents/carers.
The FA Shooting Stars Active Play Through Storytelling programme inspired by Disney has been developed to support girls aged 5-8 in developing their physical literacy, speaking and listening skills through creative play and storytelling. The resources are designed to achieve the learning objectives based on Key Stage 1 Literacy and PE.
The FA Shooting Stars Girls’ Football Club programme inspired by Marvel has been developed to truly capture the imagination of Primary age girls, using super-human powers, high-tech gadgets and superheroes. There are resources available for both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.
Barclays Game On – GO Lead
Barclays Game On – GO Lead, programme offers girls 11-16 years the opportunity to learn to lead and then practice their leadership skills by delivering opportunities for their peers to participate in football. Offering this approach not only supports leadership skills but also increases opportunities for girls to participate in football led by girls, with the expectation to that the next generation of the female workforce will start to grow and develop.
We are delighted to be the Barclays Mid-Wiltshire Girls Football Partnership School, if you have any questions please contact Jessica Pierce jep@abbeyfield.wilts.sch.uk