Joining our Sixth Form
Welcome to our Sixth Form application page. We hope you will find this information helpful in reaching an informed decision about your child’s post-16 education, which we very much hope will be at Abbeyfield Sixth Form.
Prospectus: Our prospectus provides details of our curriculum and enrichment offer, including many leadership and volunteering opportunities available to our students. This includes Gold Duke of Edinburgh, and our Sports Ambassador Programme.
The prospectus also sets out subject specific entry requirements, which are in addition to our minimum entry requirement of 5 x Grade 4 (BTEC Pass) or above including English Language grade 4). We will share a flyer on the evening with these details on and guidance on recommended pathways to ensure combinations of subjects support students with post-18 progression. Please download this here:
Application Packs: Please click the link below to apply through our online system.
INTERNAL STUDENTS please apply here:
EXTERNAL STUDENTS please apply here:
Deadline: Friday 13th December. We can consider later applications, but only those received by 13th December will be able to be taken into consideration when finalising option blocks.
If you would like to meet with Miss Jones, or another senior teacher, to discuss options / view our Sixth Form accommodation, or have any questions about our Sixth Form offer and application process please contact Miss Jones on: sxj@abbeyfield.wilts.sch.uk