Learning Support

Abbeyfield School is an inclusive school, committed to providing an appropriate and high-quality education to all. While the majority of pupils’ needs will be met in the classroom through Quality First Teaching we understand that some pupils require support which is additional to or different from this to enable them to reach their full potential.
The learning support department work closely with students and teachers to help those with additional needs achieve their very best. We have a dedicated team who are supportive, caring and committed. They work with the best interests of the student in mind and support them to achieve their goals through offering assistance in class, working in small groups or with individual students where necessary. We work in close partnership with parents and outside agencies to ensure we are offering the best possible support to students, helping them to achieve across the curriculum and feel safe and happy in school.
For further information about SEN provision and support at Abbeyfield School please view our SEN Information Report below. Additionally, if you have any questions about SEN provision or would like to discuss support for your son or daughter, please do not hesitate to contact our SENCO: SENCO@abbeyfield.wilts.sch.uk
Information Report on SEN