Music Lessons
Music Lessons: Instrumental & Vocal Teachers at Abbeyfield School
Instrumental and vocal lessons at Abbeyfield School are run by our fantastic peripatetic teaching team. Our team of very experienced teachers are self-employed, running lessons at Abbeyfield during the school day. All lesson invoicing and timetabling is through the teachers directly. If you would like to find out more information about music lessons or would like to enquire about starting up and costs, please email the teachers directly, from the email addresses below. If you have any questions relating to instrument hire or subsidies, then please contact the instrumental or vocal teacher directly.
Singing Lessons
Drum Lessons
Toby Partridge - contact@tobypartridge.com
Woodwind Lessons
Tim Fosker - musicallyinspired@outlook.com
Piano & Guitar Lessons
Mark Lodge - mark.lodge@gmail.com
Music Tech & DJ Lessons
Mark Lodge - mark.lodge@gmail.com
Brass Lessons
Bradley Miles - bradleymiles@yahoo.com
Violin & Viola Lessons
Sian McInally - sianmcinally@gmail.com
If you require any more help or assistance, or the instrument you want to study is not listed, please contact Mr Jennings (Head of Creative Arts and Peripatetic Lesson Coordinator) at aoj@abbeyfield.wilts.sch.uk