The PSHE programme at Abbeyfield is informed by the guidance of the National Curriculum and the PSHE Association support group: https://www.pshe-association.org.uk/
At Abbeyfield School we are keen to have a PSHE programme that meets the needs of the students at their various stages of development and education. From September 2021 specialist teachers took the lead with support in place to help raise skill level and confidence of staff. These teachers and visitors as appropriate are best placed to teach a consistent approach for each of the essential topics as part of the year group programme of study, taken form the PSHE Association and this is an essential component of the curriculum.
PSHE – encompasses work related learning (WRL) / careers, , financial awareness, safety e.g., internet / social media including heightening students’ awareness of extremism and how to seek help support if they have concerns and spiritual, moral, social and cultural education (SMSC). It is relevant to the management and organisation of the school as well as aspects of the school curriculum. This includes both what is taught in PSHE and in other subjects and what is learnt through other school and community-based activities. Links to national events / promotions for example:
There are three PSHE core themes for students:
Health and wellbeing– include physical and emotional wellbeing, assessing risks, maintaining a healthy lifestyle including drugs, alcohol and tobacco, first aid, addressing the influence of media on lifestyle.
Relationships – this includes a range of relationships e.g. friendship, family, Awareness of negative relationships including bullying and taking care both in person and on line. Consent in a variety of context including sexual relationships. Showing respect when living in a diverse community and wider world. Seeking advice and support.
Living in the wider world: economic wellbeing, careers and the world of work. – about rights and responsibilities as an active citizen, development of employability skills, personal finance using the work package developed by Martin Lewis
Changes in Relationship and Sex Education from September 2020
Under the Children and Social Work Act 2017 the government committed to making Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) statutory in all secondary schools. This is nothing new for schools, however the content has been revised to ensure support is in place for safe, effective PSHE practice as well as consistency of the quality and time allocated to the subject. We have been part of the early adopter’s programme which sadly was cut short, due to lockdown and was recommenced.
All PSHE teaching takes place in a safe learning environment and is underpinned by our school ethos and values.
We had hoped to invite you to attend a parent information meeting, for you to find out more about what your child will learn, view the materials and resources being used in lessons and discover how you can best support your child to discuss these topics at home. We will hope to reschedule opportunities , because as a school community, we are committed to working in partnership with parents.
Implementation of PSHE:
PSHE will be based on whole school involvement, discrete timetabled lessons and off timetabled lessons / days with a fundamental approach of building on prior learning based on a spiral curriculum e.g. what aspects of drug and alcohol education or RSE are particularly relevant to which age groups as well as stage of development and need.
The diagram provides an example of a relationship and sex education spiral curriculum from key stage 1 through to post 16 education. A spiral curriculum is not a repetition of teaching subjects, but teaching age and stage appropriate, building on prior knowledge to both deepen and build on knowledge and ensure they are well informed to make decisions based on their knowledge and understanding.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Davies: kld@abbeyfield.wilts.sch.uk