Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium At Abbeyfield School
​​​​​​​​​​The Pupil Premium is a form of funding provided by the UK government to schools in England to help improve the academic outcomes of disadvantaged pupils. It is intended to reduce the attainment gap between disadvantaged students and their peers by providing additional financial resources that schools can use to support these pupils.
Who Qualifies for Pupil Premium?
Secondary schools receive Pupil Premium funding for students who meet one or more of the following criteria:
Eligibility for Free School Meals (FSM): Students who are currently eligible for FSM or have been eligible at any point in the last six years (this is known as the "Ever 6 FSM").
Looked After Children (LAC): Students who are currently in local authority care or have been in care at any point.
Children Adopted from Care or Under Special Guardianship: This includes children adopted from care or those under a guardianship or residence order.
Service Children: Students who have a parent serving in the armed forces or who have had a parent serve in the past six years.
Key Aims and Objectives
To narrow the achievement gap for children and young people, including children in care, by ensuring increased opportunities and improved outcomes in-line with the DFE Equal opportunities policy.
How Is the Funding Used?
Abbeyfield School has the flexibility in how we use the Pupil Premium to best support our children. Our ai is to improve the academic, social, emotional, capital culture and overall outcomes of disadvantaged pupils. Common uses include:
Offering extracurricular activities to build confidence and skills.
Providing access to resources like textbooks, technology, or school trips.
Supporting attendance and engagement initiatives.
Offering mental health and wellbeing support.
Abbeyfield School is accountable for the use of Pupil Premium funding to improve outcomes for disadvantaged students. We are required to publish a Pupil Premium strategy on our website, outlining:
How they intend to spend the funding.
The rationale for their chosen strategies.
The impact of these strategies on pupil outcomes.
Abbeyfield School Pupil Premium Strategy can be found below.
FSM Students
To close the disadvantaged attainment gap by providing additional targeted resources for those students who are in low-income families.
Strategies to Achieve Our Aims and Objectives
Our main priority is to ensure outstanding quality teaching throughout the school and an accessible educational offering with the emphasis on equity rather than equality. This will benefit all students, including those who are in receipt of PP. The primary provision for PP students is via the classroom teacher. Therefore, all staff are:
Aware of which students are in receipt of PP
Aware of the individual needs of all students, including those in receipt of the PP
Are able to request additional support and interventions for PP students where required
In addition, there is a range of targeted support strategies resulting in every student, regardless of their background, being able to:
Improve their levels of attainment and progress
Close attainment gaps relative to school averages
Have full access to our curriculum
Access our extra-curricular provision
Greater communication between school and home to improve relationships and break down barrier.
Abbeyfield School spends the majority of its pupil premium funding on ensuring the quality of teaching and learning in all classrooms is exceptional, but we also think it is important to offer practical support to students so they are able to enjoy a full range of opportunities.
Additional benefits available to Pupil Premium students are:
A free breakfast from the Pupil Premium Office. Hot chocolate, fruit juice, toast, porridge or fresh fruit. Grab bags are also available.
Students are able to use the Abbeyfield School PP resources shop to obtain stationery, revision guides and for emergency uniform issues free of charge.
After school club’s are free to those students who are currently entitled to Free School Meals.
The Abbeyfield Opportunity fund can subsidise the cost of school trips for students from low income households. Trips will be advertised in advance so payments plan can be set up. Each year students who has 100% attendance and achieves their targets in all core subjects will be entitled to a free enrichment trip of their choice at the end of the academic year.
Free School Meals (FSM)
Free School Meals are available for students where their parents or guardians (not foster parents) are in receipt of any of the following:
Income Support or Income Based Jobseekers Allowance
Child Tax Credit and whose annual income (as assessed by the Inland Revenue) does not exceed £16191. Your tax credit notice (Form TC602) will tell you this
Guaranteed element of the state pension credit
Support under part VI of the Immigration & Asylum Act 1999
Income related employment support allowance
Universal credit and whose net annual income is £7,400 or lower, excluding any benefits received.
If you are in receipt of one of the above benefits, you must apply for Free School Meals (FSM) Abbeyfield School before any subsidy can be claimed. Further information can be found at
You can claim for FSM by completing the application at https://parentportal.wiltshire.gov.uk/web/portal/pages/parents/free-school-meals.

Service Children
The Department for Education continues to provide the Service Pupil Premium to State Schools, Academies and Free Schools within England that have Service children on their school roll.
Service children are defined as Pupils in Year Groups Reception to Year 11 recorded as a Service Child since 2011 or in receipt of a child pension from the Ministry of Defence. For more information on eligibility, please see https://www.gov.uk/service-premium-information-for-schools (note: link opens in a new tab).
If a school is not aware that a child has a parent in HM Forces, the school will not be able to claim the additional funds available, thus reducing the support the school is able to provide for its Service pupils.
The Service Pupil Premium (SPP) is provided by the Department for Education to enable schools to offer additional, mainly pastoral, support during challenging times, which could include anything from a Service parent being away, being injured on active service to bereavement.
Funds are paid directly to schools; with Head Teachers and school Governors deciding how the funds are used. For further information please use the following QR code:
If you wish to discuss a claim in confidence, require further information or need general support, please contact Mrs Farrall 01249 464500 or email jwf@abbeyfield.wilts.sch.uk.