School Based Support
Time 2 Talk
This initiative was created during lockdown to provide a support and information network between our school and home, for student and parents of Abbeyfield School. We feel this wrap around provision enables parents and students to access support and guidance from the initial point of contact.
The gateway is monitored by the Pastoral Leaders throughout the school day and term time. However, an automated response will be generated beyond these times to ensure some form of signpost to external support is available.
If you feel your child would benefit from a 1:1 session with a member of the Time2Talk Team or if you would like to talk to a member of our team about your child’s welfare, well-being or mental health, please contact us on Time2Talk@abbeyfield.wilts.sch.uk. Meetings with students will take place face-to-face at an allocated time during the school day.
Peer Mentoring
At Abbeyfield the mental wellbeing of our students is crucial and we recognise that students need support at different levels now more than ever.
This year a group of Key stage 4 and 5 students have taken part in a Peer Mentoring Training Programme (Kidscape) and are now working with younger students to support them with a range of issues that they may want to talk about like; friendships; worrying about doing well; homework; feeling isolated; worrying about how they look; confidence. The peer mentors will work with younger students for 6-8 sessions. If more serious issues are shared, the peer mentors are trained to refer mentees on to more appropriate support.
Interested in Peer Mentor Training or accessing a Peer Mentor?
Mrs Wildman cxw@abbeyfield.wilts.sch.uk
Y10 Pastoral Lead

School Nursing Team
What is the School Nursing Service?
Each school within Wiltshire has a named Specialist Community Public Health Nurse and School Staff Nurse – you will more than likely know them as School Nurses
Each School Nurse is responsible for providing support and advice to children/young people, their families and the local community
One way in which we can support you during secondary school, is through providing a weekly drop-in
Students in all year groups can come to the drop-in
You do not need to ask your parents/carers or member of school staff for permission to attend…just drop-in
Amy Phillips is your School Nurse for Abbeyfield and offers a weekly drop-in session where you can get support and advice about:
What is the School Nursing Service drop-in?
Emotional Health – self-esteem, low mood, self-harm, anxiety
Physical Health – diet, personal hygiene, weight, puberty
Sex & Relationships – LGBTQ+, friendships, bullying, including cyber-bullying, sexual health
Stress & Worries – exam stress, homework, home life, family relationships
Healthy Lifestyles – diet, exercise, weight
Drugs & Alcohol – smoking, drugs, alcohol
And much more….
When is the School Nursing Service Drop-in?
Day – Monday
Time – Lunchtime
Where – Extended Services
Remember, an appointment is not required.
I look forward to seeing you!
Consent and Confidentiality
When you attend drop-in, your School Nurse will discuss consent and confidentiality with you.
Definition of consent – this is your agreement to do something or for something to happen. To give approval – this is you saying “yes” It is important that you attend drop-in because you want to and not because you feel you have to
Definition of confidentiality – this is about respecting your privacy and not sharing what you discuss with anyone else, unless you provide your consent to do so. The School Nurse will explain to you that, what you discuss is confidential – school staff, your parents/carers or your friends will not be told that you have attended the drop-in or what you have talked about, unless you have requested/consented to this
Confidentiality will be kept at all times – this is unless you tell the School Nurse something that puts you or someone else at risk of harm. If this happens, the School Nurse will discuss with you of what happens next
Chat Health
The School Nursing Service also offers a free confidential text service called ‘Chat Health’.
07480 635513 – 9am – 4pm
My name is Jane, and I’m a qualified and experienced young people’s counsellor, my role at Abbeyfield is funded by Chippenham Borough Lands Charity.
If you are feeling anxious, depressed, unhappy or worried, it can help to talk through your concerns with an independent adult who will listen without being judgemental. I will aim to help you make sense of things and perhaps see things from a different perspective. Feeling heard and understood can help people to develop their resilience and to feel able to cope in spite of the difficulties life may throw at them.
It’s often useful to look at depression and anxiety as understandable reactions to life events. They don’t have to be seen as ‘illnesses’, which you either have or don’t have – they occur on a sliding scale from mild to severe, but even mild forms can be very distressing. Understanding the experiences or thought patterns which make the feelings worse can give people more control over how they feel. Talking things over really can help, and you don’t have to wait until you are feeling desperate – if a problem is bothering you, and friends or family haven’t been able to help, it may be worth considering counselling. It often takes courage to face up to problems, but it may be easier to do with the help of an independent and sympathetic professional.
Counselling sessions are 50 minutes long, once a week, and people usually come for 6 – 8 sessions, but you can decide at any point that you don’t want to continue – it’s your choice.
If you would like an appointment, speak to your Pastoral Lead
KS3 - Mrs Evans
KS4 & 5 - Mrs Caulfield-Smith or Mrs Wildman
Alternatively, you can put a request slip in the blue box on the desk at Reception. There may be a waiting list, but I will try to respond to you as soon as I can.