Sixth Form Leadership
Senior Students (Year 13)
House Leaders (Year 12)
Sports Leaders (Year 12 + Year 13)
6th Form Committee Leads (Year 12)
Please see an overview of our senior students below:

A message from our Senior Students
Being a part of Abbeyfield Sixth Form has allowed us to actively be a part of school life and the close community creates a positive, friendly and professional environment between students and teachers with a definite sense of transparency which allows us to thrive and develop not only as students, but also as individuals.
Leadership roles have given us the opportunity to improve our organisational and teamwork skills as well as having a positive benefit to our UCAS applications. The skills and experiences we gain in these positions also help in any transferable skills that are prevalent in later life, these early experiences help us be set up for the modern working world and a successful career. For some Abbeyfield is the last part of their educational journey but for others it’s a vital stepping-stone into further education and the Sixth Form accommodates for each student’s individual journey and supports them throughout.
A message from our House Leaders
Abbeyfield School has kindled a house system for many years, and in Sixth Form we have the opportunity to work along Senior Leadership Team to lead each House.
In early September, we were given the opportunity to apply; this involved writing a formal letter of why we wanted the role of House Leader and how we would place emphasis on the house system in Key Stage 3 and 4. After these applications were read, we were invited to an interview with our head of Sixth Form, Miss Jones. During this, we had a fairly informal chat about our ideas for charity and other events. The eight of us who were offered the role were delighted to have this opportunity.
We are so excited to embrace this leadership role and give enrichment opportunities to the lower school, and give back the experience we received when we were part of this house system. We are also looking forward to getting involved with our House Captains and working together as a team to continue to develop the wider school community.
This will be a great opportunity for all of us and we are excited to take on more leadership roles next year.
A message from our Sports Ambassadors
These roles offer exciting opportunities and the chance to be part of Abbeyfield School PE community, and Sixth Form leadership team. Responsibilities including running badminton sessions and lunch time basketball sessions, supporting our Sports Community by running and organising primary school events, and even launching community events for the wider community from Preschool upwards.
The Sports Ambassadors are seen as the face of our Sports Community and will attend Sixth Form meetings. This role will give you the chance to plan and run events yourself, this is great for the local community and building your skill set. To help support this every person on the programme will undergo safeguarding and first aid training, you receive qualifications that will help you with life after school. The great thing about the leadership role is you don’t have to be SPORTY to be a Sports Ambassador. Instead, you need to demonstrate an ability to lead others, alongside the desire and commitment to make a difference.
All students in Year 12 are required to undertake a volunteering role, either within school, or through external extra-curricular activities. This helps them to contribute to Sixth Form life and the wider school community. In doing so, students are able to enhance UCAS Personal Statements, and apprenticeship and job applications to ensure that they have the value required to ensure that they are successful in their applications.
Volunteering opportunities are numerous, but include:
Sports leadership roles (see above)
Literacy and Numeracy mentoring for KS3 students
TA support in KS3 / KS4 lessons
Mentoring KS3 students
Running social clubs
Students taking part in Gold Duke of Edinburgh, will fulfil their volunteering role through this programme
House Leader roles
As part of our 6th Form offer, you will also have the chance to take part in various trips, both with the school day, as well as residential. Students who qualify for bursary funding can access this for curriculum trips.