Youth Sport Trust
We are very proud to be a Lead School in Wiltshire for the YST. Part of a network of 60 selected schools from across the country chosen for their expertise in engaging young people to participate in Leadership through PE and School Sport.
The school will be working closely with Youth Sport Trust, promoting leadership to other schools in Wiltshire.
Abbeyfield School will take a partnership approach with local schools and organisations to develop inclusive pathways for young people to progress as leaders, coaches, volunteers and officials. (LCV).
All LCV schools are provided with national networking and development opportunities to drive leadership and coaching forward to meet the needs of the young people locally. LCV Lead Schools are members of a national network which uses innovative approaches to drive individual and whole school improvement.
At Abbeyfield School you are given the opportunity to take on different leadership roles in line with Youth Sport Trust:
Sports Ambassador Year 7 – 11
Sports Enrichment Year 12 -13
Sports Council Year 11 – 13
These roles offer exciting opportunities and the chance to be part of the Youth Sport Trust Leadership Programme. Every leader will be given the opportunity to organise and run different sporting festivals for our feeder primary schools. They will also work alongside the Chippenham Sports Partnership and be part of the Chippenham Sporting Community. As part of the Youth Sport Trust Leadership programme, you will complete a series of learning modules that focus on developing the skills which help you learn vital skills that will help with every day life. We look at teamwork, communication, problem solving, self-belief and self-management and skills framework. All modules are fun and engaging, with activities that test the Sports Ambassadors knowledge and help them build their confidence to organise and run sports event. You will receive the Youth Sport Trust award at the end of your school year.
You will also work with our Active Partners and the Abbeyfield PE Community, and Sixth Form leadership team. The Sports Ambassadors are seen as the face of our Sports Community. This role will give each leader the chance to plan and run events yourself, this is great for the local community and building your skill set.
The great thing about the Youth Sport Trust leadership role is you don’t have to be SPORTY to be a Sports Ambassador. Instead, you need to demonstrate an ability to lead others, alongside the desire and commitment to make a difference.
Please click the tabs below for much more information.
Please click here to download the latest leadership opportunities at Abbeyfield.
If you want to know more please email jep@abbeyfield.wilts.sch.uk
Recent News.......
We are thrilled to share with you the results from the day that was spent filming our amazing YourTime Sports Ambassadors.
The Sports Ambassadors are delighted to have played a role in creating the Leadership skills foundation UK website, sharing our YourTime Sports Ambassador thoughts and leadership journey. It's been a rewarding experience, blending our passion for sports with the digital realm to promote leadership inspiration for all!
Check it out 👇

Abbeyfield School has been running its Sports Ambassador programme for the past 5 years. In 2020 the programme was recognise by Youth Sport Trust and together we will be taking leadership to every corner ot Wiltshire!
We are delighted to say:
•Abbeyfield School was recognised for its Outstanding Sports Ambassador and Sports Enrichment Programme.
•Abbeyfield School is now a representative of the county and takes a partnership approach to delivery with local schools and organisations to develop inclusive pathways for young people to progress as leaders, coaches, officials and volunteers. All LCV schools are provided with national networking and exclusive development opportunities to drive leadership and coaching forward across the country and to meet the needs of the young people locally.
•Leadership, Coaching and Volunteering (LCV) Lead Schools are members of a national network that use innovative approaches to drive individual and whole school improvement through leadership, coaching and volunteering.
•Collectively, the LCV network works closely with Youth Sport Trust to demonstrate the value and impact of leadership, coaching and volunteering within whole school and/or community contexts and ensures that these opportunities for young people remain inclusive.
If you would like to know more please contact jep@abbeyfield.wilts.sch.uk
‘ It’s great to have Abbeyfield as the new LCV school for Wiltshire. They have consistently, over many years, provided opportunities for students to develop their leadership abilities to allow their own younger students, local primary children and other organizations within the Mid Wiltshire area to benefit from regular physical activity. Abbeyfield continually lead the way with innovative programmes, the range of sports available and the inclusive nature of what they offer. I’m sure all the schools in Wiltshire will now benefit’.
Alma Borthwick Active Partner
Wiltshire and Swindon School Sport
It is widely acknowledged that the school leadership programme helps to build character and confidence and will ultimately have a positive effect academically. The LCV school plays a very important role in driving forward leadership, coaching and volunteering across the county, by offering training and deployment opportunities, and support for schools to provide suitable pathways for all young people.
I work closely with the LCV school through the School Games Programme to provide leadership opportunities for 300 young people each year. Abbeyfield School have regularly been my go to school as I can always rely on Jessica to provide high calibre leaders with the skills to be flexible and adapt to whatever role needs to be filled, often at short notice. As well as officiating this has included diverse roles such as being the SG mascot and being interviewed live by BBC radio at the showcase summer event.
With the strong commitment to leadership, Abbeyfield is in a great place to lead by example and inspire other schools who may not have developed their leadership programme to the same degree.
Paul Wickens School Games Organsier Mid Wiltshire

An LCV school plays a key role across the County in creating pathways and opportunities for leaders, coaches and volunteers for all ages and abilities.
Abbeyfield would is a great choice as it has a long history of providing top quality leaders for local Chippenham partnership primary school events through to the County School Games events.
The opportunity to collaborate with different colleagues through the network benefits the schools and those pupils involved in these programmes.
This is an exciting opportunities and one Abbeyfield would do very well.
Selwyn Widger
School Games Organiser sw@acorneducationtrust.com